Wednesday, October 29, 2008

JVP Baptism 12/6/08

The newest Kallal descendant, Joseph Victor Payne, son of Kate & Matthew, will (hopefully, if he arrives on time!) be baptized after the 5:30 p.m. Mass on Dec. 6 at St. Lawrence in Greenville. Jacob and Ashley Kallal have graciously agreed to serve as Godparents, and we are excited to share this special event with all the family gathered for Grandpa's birthday. We hope everyone will join us for Mass and/or the baptism before heading to the family dinner at the Posch Center. Looking forward to seeing everyone soon!

ps If the ultrasound tech was wrong, we'll be welcoming Josephine Therese--either way, please join us!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Judy Kallal's Photos from 99th Birthday Celebration (click image for slide show)

VCK Celebrates 99th Bday with (a few) Great and Grand Kids

*Special thanks to Judy Kallal for these great pics from VCK's 99th birthday celebration*

Do you have photos from last year's party that you'd like to share? Please send them and we'll get them up!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Benediction Papalis

This week, VCK received a papal blessing in celebration of his 100th year of life.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Genographic Project

  • Victor is a Bohemian!

  • Even though his first immigrant ancestors arrived in America over 160 years ago, everyone of his parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents were Bohemians.
  • In other words, if Victor's longevity is influenced by ancestry, then being Bohemian is good.

  • We have submitted Victor's DNA sample to the National Geographic international study called "The Genographic Project".

  • The analysis will have nothing to do with genealogy. But Victor's DNA will contribute scientific evidence to his forebears and to the journey of humans across the globe.

  • Stay tuned: we will post the DNA results as they become available.

* UPDATE * As of 10/20/08, Victor's DNA has been analyzed; after Quality Assurance certification by alternate scientists the results will be made available. Stay tuned!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

StoryCorps Interview - Your Questions Needed!

The American Folklife Center, housed in the Library of Congress, is home to the StoryCorps Collection. Established in 2003, the collection currently holds more than 35,000 recordings of life stories. (NPR listeners may have caught excerpts from this project on Morning Edition.)

Next month, VCK will be interviewed for submission to this collection! While a recording of the interview will not be available online, we will have recordings available at the party. TK - do you have any tech insight as to how I might include the recording here?

If all else fails, we can all swing by the Library of Congress Folklife Reading Room (Jefferson Building, room G53) and look up VCK. I smile when I imagine CMK's possible response...I think I'm not too far off when guessing she would charter a bus!

Below are a few of the questions provided by StoryCorps in their interview guide, but I'm curious what questions YOU may have for VCK. Please post your suggested questions here and I'll be sure to include them in my conversation with him. I plan to share the questions with VCK well before we meet to record the conversation so that he can add/subtract from our list.

What is your earliest memory?
Who has been the biggest influence on your life?
What lessons did they teach you?
Who has been the kindest to you in your life?
What are the most important lessons you've learned in life?
If you could hold on to one memory from your life for eternity, what would that be?
Are there any words of wisdom you'd like to pass along to those you love?
What are you proudest of in your life?
How has your life been different than what you'd imagined?
What was your childhood like?
How did you and CMK meet?
When did you know that she was the one?
What were your parents like? What were your grandparents like?
What lessons have you learned from your relationships?
Have you experienced any miracles?

Memory Quilt Photos by Stephany Kallal (click image to view slideshow)

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Memory Quilt Made by Marie Kallal

NOTE: Special thanks to Stephany Kallal for sharing these great photographs and to KKS for providing the narrative below which details the presentation of the quilt to VCK in Jerseyville, IL.
Photos incorporated into the quilt were selected and printed onto fabric swatches by Jim Kallal.
Quilt color theme and fabric patterns coordinated by KKS.
VCK's quilt will be on display at the birthday party.


Marie spread the quilt out on their king size bed, which allowed all the blocks to show. Dad was called back to the room. It was fun to watch Uncle Val's reaction to Dad as Val really treasures his 90th birthday quilt also made by Marie. Dad seemed pleased.

I told Marie he was not one to say much to let one know he liked/appreciated a gift. Marie said, "Vic went up to the quilt and started touching it right away. He looked carefully at the picture blocks and asked questions about how the blocks and quilt were made. When I saw that, I knew he liked it."

On Wednesday Dad asked for help getting the "100 year quilt" on his bed. He uses it as a spread, says it is warm to sleep under and enjoys being able to see it often.